
Posted by on Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Naked by David Sedaris

I love David Sedaris and everything he does. 

This book of stories is a bit more morose than average though–I know he was working on it around when his mother died, and Sedaris also seems more comfortable as a writer with this book, which may have allowed him to express more delicate, painful things.  Nevertheless, the book is still full of great funny moments.  I know some Sedaris fans prefer his full-on humor above all else, but I’m willing to take the sadness with the fun.  I’m sure I’ll reread several of these stories again. 

Filed in Books | 4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Naked”

  1. Maryellenon 02 Mar 2007 at 4:33 pm 1

    I loved Naked and yes it was filled with some sadness. But who’s life hasn’t been?

  2. Annieon 03 Mar 2007 at 8:19 am 2

    I love Sedaris, and I agree with everything you said about this book. And yeah, I think we have to take the morose with the hilarious.

  3. rachelon 03 Mar 2007 at 4:38 pm 3

    That’s never been one of my favorites of his, but I think part of the problem is that I always listen to the audio of his books, and this one uses Amy Sedaris’ voice here and there. I have an intense dislike for Amy Sedaris. As in, I’d rather pull out my own eyeballs and stir fry them for dinner than listen to the sound of her voice. But I did re-listen to a couple of pieces in that one recently with a new appreciation.

  4. Minhon 12 Mar 2007 at 11:30 pm 4

    That’s one of my favorite books. I had the pleasure of hearing him live last year and now, I’m hooked to “This American Life” and his voice 🙂

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