
Posted by on Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Like many spinners, I have fiber I don’t intend to spin.  Some of it is stuff I used to like to spin but don’t anymore, some of it is felting fiber that I haven’t felt the need to felt, and some of it is raw wool that I only have little bits of here and there.  While I was at Rhinebeck, Jeanne DeCoster proselytized a bit about locker hooked rugs, and then I found one of her kits at Carolina Homespun, and I figured I’d give it a whirl.  I think I have a crush on locker hooking, friends.  I may be saying that because this little rug is just so green, or possibly because I can imagine using up all of the fiber I don’t want to spin but can’t bear to waste this way.  Sweet, no?  I’m nearly done now–this project flies.  If all goes as planned, the bound, washed, blocked rug will serve as a well-appreciated cat bed.   Unless I make it into an odd but very warm hat for myself.


Also, I took Shelia’s mitten class at the KR retreat, and I’ve made a fair number of mitts already, so I figured I should add an additional dimension to my class project.  I made these, using some orange worsted from Elann and a pencil roving some kind person put in the stash lounge.


I think that counts as a cross between licing and thrumming.  The inside of the mittens is, well, tentacular.


It’s actually a bit annoying.  I’ve only had a few opportunities to wear these so far, but I predict that I’ll snip all of those connections and work a bit harder on felting down those thrums.

Filed in knitting,rug making,sewing | 5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Unspun”

  1. Morgaineon 06 Jan 2009 at 1:40 pm 1

    The rug looks fabulous. Jeane has me “hooked” as well. I am working on a rug for my mom that is a combination of natutral colors and some of Jeane’s Romney. I am not nearly as far along as you, but it does go fast – i am working on it every evening.

  2. gayleon 08 Jan 2009 at 10:02 am 2

    I’ve been tempted by the locker hooking I’ve seen as well, but I haven’t succumbed yet. You’re pushing me closer to the edge. Like I need a new hobby…
    I’d definitely snip the thrums – they look like finger-catchers from here. Thrummed mittens are the warmest things ever. I’ve been doing them in conjunction with colorwork patterns, as I don’t like the lice-y look.

  3. Jinannon 08 Jan 2009 at 9:41 pm 3

    I love the rug! And it uses roving – which I have tons of! Hmmm…..I do believe I’ll have to try it myself. I bought a locker hook and some patterns at MDSW a while back, but haven’t used it yet. Now I know where to come if I have questions!

  4. Nannyfodderon 10 Jan 2009 at 11:09 pm 4

    Neato torpedo – I’ll have to look at locker hooking – nverheard of it!
    I did see a pretty cool scarf that was actually macrame knots made out of wool – not spun….

    I love those Mittens – the side with the dots tho!


  5. lellaon 15 Jan 2009 at 10:31 pm 5

    “If all goes as planned, the bound, washed, blocked rug will serve as a well-appreciated cat bed. Unless I make it into an odd but very warm hat for myself.”

    You would take that beautiful little rug and not make a wall rug out of it, in all it’s delicious greenness? awwwww. It’s so beautiful and calming. *sigh*

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