My neglected books

Posted by on Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

I've been terribly lax about reviewing books for a while now, in part because I've been thinking a lot about audiobook reviews instead.  So let's clear the decks.  Or at least start to clear the decks.

The Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
I've read a number of graphic novels over the last year or so in my ongoing attempts to read all of Scott's books as well as all of mine.  This is the standout.  By far.  Most graphic novels aren't actually that well written.  I appreciate the combination of visual art and story, but not that many people do it well.  These guys do.  The film of this book is due out very soon, of course, so I'd recommend that anyone who intends to see the movie read the graphic novel first.  Books are better than the movies made to copy them most of the time, and this is a very good book. 

Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs by Gene Weingarten
I'm a sucker for dogs and a big fan of Gene Weingarten, so I read this in the car on the way home from the bookstore.  I was not driving–I should point that out.  This is a little book of beautiful photos and lovely writing about old dogs.  I love it. 

The Story of Chicago May by Nuala O'Faolain
I read this on my trip to Chicago all those months ago.  O'Faolain died last spring of cancer, and her passing made me terribly sad.  She was a brave, talented writer and I hate to think we won't have more of her work to read.  Her biography of the infamous May Duignan is interesting and intriguing.  As is her style, O'Faolain looks beyond the details of May's actions for her animus.  We see May as a prostitute and con artist, but also as a rebel and gender warrior. 

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
A very different Chicago story, and another book I read last winter in preparation for my trip west.  This book has obviously received a lot of attention, so I needn't say much.  I liked Larson's path woven through the World's Fair and Mudgett's scheming and back again.  Mudgett's evil is overwhelming at times, so the trips back to the world of architecture and landscaping are good respite. 

Filed in Books | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “My neglected books”

  1. anjon 28 Jan 2009 at 1:07 pm 1

    I also liked Devil in the White City. So much so that I stayed up to read the last 100 or so pages and finished it at 4 am.. with Mudgett dying in the penitentiary that used to be 2 blocks from my house (now it is 4 blcoks). To say I was spooked is an understatement. But I did enjoy it. That World’s Fair brought us so many items we use everyday. It is an interesting mix of industry and death.

  2. kon 28 Jan 2009 at 9:57 pm 2

    I’ve read some of Watchmen. I’m easily distracted by petty details, so of course this one threw me (Guess which petty detail?), but I liked the visuality of it. The story was good,, and I regret not finishing it. I’m sure it will show up in my apartment again.

  3. Junoon 04 Feb 2009 at 3:36 pm 3

    I am desperately in love with Nuala O’Faolain. I read her novel this summer, and just picked up the two volumes of her autobiographical stuff. Discovered her via and interview i listened to on the internet, done when she was in the final stages of the cancer. Gorgeous writer, and yes, brave.

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