Bright Fire
Lanea on May 1st 2007
Beltaine is the Irish word both for the month of May and for the festival that commemorates the height of spring. Literally translated, it means “bright fire.” I could talk about what Beltaine is all about, but I’ll just show you instead. First, Rowan, Etaine and I crossed the Potomac at White’s Ferry: And then […]
Hawksbill peak and deepest caverns
Lanea on Dec 5th 2006
We spent a long weekend in and around the Shenandoah national forest. I’d encourage you to go, but you can’t, because my dog apparently laid claim to the entire region. He was on a serious quest. He’s never been so dedicated to the cycle of canine hydration and evacuation is his living life. We picked […]
Lanea on Sep 21st 2006
On Sunday, we went to the National Museum of the American Indian. Bill and Shirley were so happy to see how well everything came together for the museum. They live just outside a Ute reservation and have been active in the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition for years. Shirley was also a Latin American Studies major […]
Lanea on Sep 19th 2006
As I was saying, Bill and Shirley, Scott’s aunt and uncle the llama-ranchers, were in DC last week for a conference. We got to claim them over the weekend. Like most people, we get stuck in the daily work-cook-clean-sleep routine, and forget what our hometown has to offer us. When guests come to town, we […]
You know what really hurts?
Lanea on Jul 31st 2006
The pain. i.e., sewing through your finger with a monster sewing machine. I don’t recommend it. I don’t recommend it at all. Thankfully, it actually sounds worse than it is. I didn’t hit the bone or the nerve pad. It doesn’t hurt as long as I keep the broken nail stabilized. And yes, I am […]
Water and women
Lanea on Jun 4th 2006
Not much time for words these days, but here are some images from the annual groovywomen’s trip to the rivershore. Friday’s arrival scene. Gray and blustery. That’s Virginia in the distance, and the Chesapeake bay is down the river to the left. Some pictures of me and my spinning, courtesy of Andrea, who knows my […]
Lanea on May 18th 2006
Around this time every year, some of my girl-friends from Celt-land and I head down to the Western Shore of the Potomac River. Each year, we have a theme. This year’s theme is “fish and fiber.” We’re going to fish, and we’re going to play with fiber. I am one excited chicky, lemmetellya. We will […]