Posted by Lanea on Friday, December 21st, 2007
For anyone keeping score, it may seem as if I’m not all that close to this year’s goal of reading a large portion of the unread books in our library while simultaneously avoiding purchasing books. Well, we’re nearing the end of 2007 and I’ve actually done quite well. I bought a few books that were planned cheats–the new Harry Potter and some knitting books (which were exempted–though I was still very restrained) including Clara’s astounding masterpiece and the newest Yarn Harlot.
And now, I’m giving myself a few gold starts for seriously considering a few books I was either not terribly likely to enjoy before checking them off my list, or that, upon reflection, I know I’ve read. Some are Scott’s and not really to my taste, and some are things I’ve had for a really long time so was fuzzy on, and some are things I read but don’t really feel the need to review.
- John Thillman, Civil War Cavalry and Artillery Sabers It’s a reference, and, you know, I don’t collect Civil War swords.
- Jwing-Ming Yang, Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu. No one wants me taking up Kung Fu. I am, for all intents and purposes, made of spun sugar.
- Adam Hsu, The Sword Polisher’s Record: The Way of Kung Fu. Ditto.
- Bertrand Russell, The Principles of Mathematics. I suck at higher and conceptual math. After all this time, I think I’m ok with that.
- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism: The Classical Tradition. I don’t want to read any more Mises or other econ until I get to go back to grad school. That’s fair, right?
- H.A.Rey, The Stars: A New Way to See Them I’ve read it. About a bajillion times, probably, as a kid.
- CliffordRoss and Karen Wilkin with Edward Gorey, The World of Edward Gorey. I’ve read this. I think I was hoping I hadn’t, because I miss Gorey so and, sadly, even a man that eccentric is apparently incapable of writing and drawing from beyond the grave. Sigh.
- Johannes Kalter and Margareta Pavaloi, Uzbekistan: Heirs to the Silk Road. This is a big, gorgeous art book full of amazing textiles. I’ve used it as a reference over and over again, and love it, but am not likely to read it cover to cover and review it.
- Ann Yonemura, Hokusai: Volume One. Another art book I stare at without reading cover to cover.
- Henri Cartier Bresson, America in Passing. Photography. I love it. Nuff said.
- Kate Jennings, Ansel Adams. More photography. More love.
Filed in Books | 3 responses so far
I’m really rather honoured to be a cheat. Seems fitting somehow.
I was asking hubster if he needed any info from the Civil War Sword book – he is doing an appraisal for the local library on some that they had – but he had spoken to a sword person he knows and got what he needed – but how cool that you had that book 😀
I’m terribly impressed. I wish I had the time or energy anymore to get that much reading done in the year. And people think that I just get to sit and read all day at work. Phooey. Too many hobbies, too much work.
Sigh. I love Gorey.