I’m agin it!
Posted by Lanea on Monday, December 11th, 2006
I’m here to tell you that I officially, stridently, vehemently oppose food poisoning. Don’t like it one bit. Don’t try to sway me–my mind is made up. I left work all chipper and cheery on Friday, and spent the rest of the weekend feeling like I was drunk, in the sense described by Douglas Adams in the Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy:
"It’s unpleasantly like being drunk."
"What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?"
"You ask a glass of water."
Tragically little knitting accomplished, one hell of a party missed, one hell of a trip with my niece Talia missed, and one hell of a Dancing Pig/Tuatha shopping opportunity (shopportunity?) missed, and no new computer ordered. I sure have seen the Lord of the Rings movies again, though. And the extras. And I made serious progress on the very long, thankfully very good sci-fi novel that my big brother loaned me. And I made excellent cat furniture, according to Speedwell and Yarrow, and a wonderfully generous couch-denizen, according to Kayo. When I can’t eat the food I try to make myself eat, Kayo always offers to do the dishes and lie on my feet. You can’t get that kind of dedicated service just anywhere.
Filed in blather | 4 responses so far
Any weekend that includes the LOTR movies can’t be all bad!
Oogh. I’m with you. Perhaps someone ought to spearhead some kind of Allied Citizens Against Food Poisoning group or something. We could write our legislators and stuff. 😉
Glad you’re feeling better, at least.
did you eat at taco bell, lol?
how the hell did you manage to get food poisioning?
I ate two week old shrimp chow mein….and got me a good case a couple months ago
I feel for you dear
I really do