I heart Finland, and other random musings

Posted by on Friday, January 30th, 2009


I got a raise, what with my shockingly professional gig as a web monkey, er, Lead Web Coordinator.  Is that not the most PC title you have ever heard for a Master Spider? I mean, really, do I get a baton AND nice juicy flies too?

Right, where was I . . .  I don’t need yarn, really, but I did want a little treat mixed in with the very mature things I need like new glasses and a decent omelet pan.  In my ongoing quest to stick to wonderful, artisinal yarns whenever possible, I looked to Finland.  And look what appeared on my front porch!  Riihivilla makes my heart flutter.  The madder-dyed yarn is one of the loveliest things I’ve ever seen.


I’m also making another pair of Jane’s wonderful Hedgerow socks.  This yarn is some particularly springy (color and texture) custom loveliness from Spirit Trail, and I adore it.  Jen really knows how to work with green.  (Man, that sock bag needs some love).  I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jane’s pattern recently, and even more time with Jen’s yarns, and most of that time has been secret.  I  can hardly wait to tell you what’s up, but I will wait just a little bit longer.


I’ve contacted a local quilter who will quilt the linen top for me, and I was shocked (SHOCKED!) by how affordable her service is.  Now I need to pick backing and binding fabrics and batting and wait patiently in the queue.

Tonight we went to Ikea, because the books are demanding better living conditions, and because I want an actual bed already.  This quilt deserves an actual bed, not just a nice mattress and box spring on the floor.  Between the asparagus planted in our garden, the Real Job, and the actual bed-frame we will assemble this weekend, I am feeling downright adult.  I hope that doesn’t mean I have to give up knee socks and The Ramones . . .

Filed in knitting | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “I heart Finland, and other random musings”

  1. gayleon 30 Jan 2009 at 4:18 pm 1

    Love the pictograms on the mittens. I was eyeing the spruce ones, myself.
    Congratulations on the raise – may all your flies be juicy ones!

  2. Jinannon 31 Jan 2009 at 9:20 pm 2

    What a cool mitten kit! Love the natural dye!

    Wahoo for the raise! You definitely deserve it!

  3. Marfaon 01 Feb 2009 at 6:26 pm 3

    Wow, what a chock-a-block post. Mucho news.
    Congrats on the yarn (ooh la la), finding a good quilter who charges reasonably for her work, time w/ Jen’s yarns (heavenly yarns, they are), a trip to IKEA, a raise.
    You go, girl.

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