Posted by Lanea on Wednesday, December 26th, 2007
I studiously ignored the sockyarn blanket for weeks (WEEKS!) while working away on gifts. But now Christmas has past, and I can only spend so much time chained to the sewing machine making sock bags.
Speaking of sock bags, I’m almost done with a big batch of sock bags. I’ll try to post photos, but there is no sun at my house when I’m here these days, and I feel silly carrying my knitting and sewing to work to photograph them in the city. But that may be my only option.
Where was I . . . returning to personal knitting means I just finished round one of the blanket edging. 13,400 edge stitches done, only 13,400 knit stitches and a few scant hundred stitches with a darning needle between me and a finished blanket. Ahhhhhh. So close!
Also, I cast the second of the kilt hose back onto the needles and all seems to be going as planned. Fingers crossed.
And, perhaps coolest of all, I just signed a contract for Etaine, Anubh and I to perform again at the Pennsylvania Celtic Fling the last weekend of June 2008. Woot! We have twice as many sets as last year. Which may freak me out just a little bit, because we can’t really double the amount of material we perform between now and June. I’m going to go hide under my nearly-finished blanket now–excuse me.
Filed in Celtic,knitting,sewing | 2 responses so far
You don’t count all those stitches as you’re making them, do you? 😉
I’ll be over to your Etsy shop as soon as you post photos. Janie needs a new sock bag.
Ok, I can’t even fathom knitting all those edge stitches! Yikes!
Happy Holidays!!
And tell Jayme that Laura is absolutely, adorably, perfectly gorgeous.
Hugs, Jen