Spots of Blue

Posted by on Saturday, December 29th, 2007

Before I blather on about unimportant minutia . . . my friend Scott Hull is in desperate need of a liver again.  He is now in the number one slot of the liver transplant list at John’s Hopkins.   His cousin Marcus donated a big healthy chunk of liver to Scott last fall, but transplants don’t always go as planned, and Scott needs a full donor liver, and he needs it now.  Please send him good thoughts as he waits for a liver–it’s a strange thing to pray for someone else to donate an organ, I know.   If you are an organ donor, thank you.  I owe you some cookies.  If you’re not a registered organ donor, please consider becoming one to help wonderful people like my friend and his family.

And now I’m going to blather on about unimportant minutia, because I can’t actually go to the liver store.

Those bags I’m making?  I’ve been trying to churn them out,  and using scraps counts as cleaning, so that’s a plus.  Anyway, I listed one that I really really really wanted
to keep, but figured it was more important to fill my Etsy shop than to keep something I could reproduce, at least in a similar form.  Yep.
I’m that dumb.  It sold (yay!) so I had to send it off to its new owner, who is not actually me (sigh).  Godspeed, perfect little spiraled batik bag.  I hope your new owner is kind to you.

And then there was an issue with a small experiment and a leaky iron.  I dyed some twill ages ago to make something for my husband, but the resultant fabric was far too bright for him.  And I wanted to figure out whether or not the abandoned fabric would make a good inner base for the bags–I hate to waste fabric.  But I worried the fabric would crock, so I planned to make a pale bag and machine wash it–to see if Synthaprol could save the day, and so I could definitively answer any questions that arise about washing the bags.  If fabric crocks in a washing machine, it’s easy to make sure the dye doesn’t set on the other fabrics near it, don’t cha know.  But when a crocking fabric is soaked by a puddle from a leaking iron while a person is off making lunch, well, the damage is harder to erase.

Doh!  It  now has a blue cast in spots.  Whoops.  I guess that twill needs another purpose.  The bag is still cute, though.  I guess I could list it as a second.  Or keep it.

While we’re speaking of blue . . . a better photo of those imperfect  socks:

With a bright teal  toe.  Thankfully they’re decently photographed now and I can finally wear them.  Sunlight is a rare thing here, these days.

Filed in Books,knitting,sewing | One response so far

One Response to “Spots of Blue”

  1. Rachelon 02 Jan 2008 at 9:30 pm 1

    I keep trying to post a comment, but end up wandering over and drooling over your etsy shop….What does that say? You bag is getting great mileage. It carried my only knitting over the holiday and got several compliments.

    I’m so sorry about your friend Scott. But first in line is good, right? Positive thoughts…

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