Broken things
Posted by Lanea on Thursday, January 20th, 2005
Mikele’s spinning wheel was lightly abused before it came to me. I am trying to rehabilitate her so she will know she is safe. I was also spinning a lot over the weekend, having learned that a friend had finally died of metastatic breast cancer after a few horribly painful weeks. I spun a half-pound of unnamed roving from New Zealand into two decent skeins, because, well, what else could I do? And then I went to a funeral for a 37 year old woman, and my friends and I tried to be ok with losing her.
All that spinning finally wore out the Scotch-tensioning cord, which came to me rather abused and knotted and all wrong. I’ve ordered the replacement part, but in the meantime I can’t do much spinning. But I need to spin, see, so it’s a problem. I can’t drop spin very well right now, because I am now a slave to vertigo-inducing, balance-destroying mucous. I’ve barely done any knitting this week. I have done a lot of sneezing and a lot of mouth-breathing. They took me off my allergy meds in preparation for testing, and the mucous production is truly impressive. Truly. So standing to spin is a wholly new challenge.
The first batch of hat-conspiracy yarn arrived yesterday from Elann. It’s lovely, and should knit itself into the maiden brownie hat quickly. I also ordered some Baby Cashmere yarn for no reason other than it was pretty and I wanted it. It is taunting me. Is it taunting you? Look at it there, all frosty-pale and softly-haloed. It is not bound for heads or for feet, and those are the things I’m trying to cover these days.
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