Women’s Work

Posted by on Tuesday, April 12th, 2005

I’m about 50 pages into one of the most fascinating books I’ve ever read: Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years. I’ve tip-toed around this book for ages. I got it as a present, and I’ve been trying to read it slowly, like an Encyclopedia, so I don’t use it up too quickly. Well, time to break this puppy. So far, Barber’s scholarship seems to be impeccable. Reading about fiber-arts archaeology is almost as fun as actually participating in experimental archaeology. It made me want to finish my string-skirt (you know our ancestors started making those things since 20,000 BC, and they were apparently worn by pregnant women through childbirth to celebrate their fecundity? Woot!). And to keep it when it’s done. Even though it will require at least $20 in yarn and won’t really be wearable. That’s a fine book.

I magically got better at spinning over the last month by . . . .this is too good to be true . . . not practicing. Love it. Maybe I can play magically play the hurdy gurdy now, too.

I am mostly through knitting up a green bag that will have the Uffington Horse needle-felted onto it when it’s done. Wanna bet one of my pals tries to snag it immediamente? I have started felting the humongo-bag, but I think it needs a good stomping in the bathtub to whip it into shape. Which is a good idea, because I’ve been gardening like mad so my feet are already wrecked and it’s not quite mid-April yet. Time to paint the toenails to cover up the clay-stains.

Friday, I’m taking Talia and my Mom on the Countryside Artisans’ Tour. Well, I’m taking them to two sheep farms and Dancing Pig. We all have priorities: Mom wants pots, Talia wants sheep, and I want yarn, roving, pots, and sheep.

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