Commercial break
Posted by Lanea on Wednesday, February 15th, 2006
Can’t talk: watching curling!
I am writing during commercial breaks. Running up and down the steps over and over again so you, Gentle Reader, don’t think I’ve fallen off the planet. Really, I’ve fallen into a long-awaited winter. An Olympic Winter, no less. I’m absolutely chuffed.
It snowed! It finally snowed!
Kayo needs snow. And sticks.
And the fetching thereof:
Followed by the peaceful contemplation:
And finally, the willful destruction of the beloved object:
Adopting a snow dog forced me to expand my concept of snowy splendor. I liked the snow when it was pristine. I loved it when it was churned by hundreds of Kayo prints. It’s mostly melted now. I hope it snows twice as hard this week. Fingers crossed.
In addition to the snowing, we have Olympic knitting in process. I swatched last week:
Notice the squared-off end? I swatched and then frogged and started over, just like the good little participant I am. Unfortunately, that stupid job of mine kept me from starting until 5:00 pm on Friday, dag nabbit. But I love Kiri, and the yarn I’m using:
The shawl is 22 inches from point to center now. I hope I can finish on time.
The biggest obstacle is my other feat. Like some rare Olympians, I am a multi-sport maniac. In addition to knitting, I am also switching office space with my husband. Who is the best man in the world, you know. He offered and offered to trade spaces, and I asked over and over again to see if he was sure, and I finally cracked. I now have a studio more than twice the size of the one I had on Thursday. But she is disheveled:
Ok, stop looking. It’s embarrassing.
And it’s driving me mad. Knitting Olympics plus new studio equals Crazier-than-Usual-Lanea. Don’t mind the barking. Things are a bit better than this now, but my progress was slowed when I had the audacity to plug in a vacuum on Sunday and blew out half of the power in the house. Suffice it to say, we really did buy this place from idiots. A very nice electrician from Pittsburgh (Yay Steelers) made everything (electrical) right again Monday afternoon, and explained how much we’d need to replace to make sure everything stayed operative. Anyway, I lack the necessary storage to make the office right, so there is another Ikea death-march in my future. Until then, sate yourself with this yarn porn:
Nice, eh? You wanna see up close, don’t you? You naughty knitter–I know what you like.
A whole cubic foot of beautiful wool, some of it hand-painted, some of it discontinued, all of it right there. So much yarn that it can be turned over my head without risk of any of it escaping the basket, like a well-whipped mess of egg whites. Ok, that would not be a hot analogy to most people, would it? Anyway, you want more? I’ve got more:
A bouquet of hand-painted and hand-spun beauties. Classy but surprisingly attainable, right there at my finger-tips. And handmade bobbins, all sitting on a hand-woven bit of heaven. I know you want them. They know you want them. Get in line, sister. Cuz those girls are all mine.
Oh, I know. You want to see what’s in the other basket, don’t you. The shy one. The tease. Fine, but that’s it. From here on out, sweetie, you’ve gotta pay.
More hand-paints, and some alpaca blends, and all sorts of other delicious goodies. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmm MMMMMMM. I need me some more of that kinda love.
Back to Kiri. And curling. And another Ikea death march.
Filed in blather,knitting | 7 responses so far
Oh so jealous. Of the space, of the yarn (though I have plenty of that, really) but above all of the dog. I’ve been pouting and complaining about our lack of a dog for years now. But no matter how much I beg, my cat refuses to let me have one. (My husband’s not too thrilled with the idea either). I grew up on cats and have actually been bitten by a dog (I was terrified of dogs as a kid). But somehow, I’ve gone doggy crazy in the last few years. What a beautiful, beautiful dog Kayo is. I want one. 🙁
Wow! Snow pictures! Thank you. And your Kayo is the most gorgeous color of brown. Isn’t brown beautiful? Yes, I know you think so, too.
For the first time ever, I marched through Ikea two times in the last month, and this last time the point man, hubby, had to retrieve the new chests on his own. We shopped the catalog, and he went to fetch them, a perfect system. Enjoyed your flaunt of the yarn. I know I can’t have it but it’s fun to peek.
Thanks for sharing. It’s great to have you back–I’ve missed reading! Sounds like things are getting back to normal in the Crazy house.
I wondered how the knitting olympics were going – the shawl is beautiful! Squeek went into the snow and sunk! Her hair was long – she hasnt’ been groomed in a while and Steve and I have been calling her Sheep – and baaaing at her – mom keeps telling us to stop. She went in the snow and came in as one huge snow ball – with many many many smaller ones. She was not happy. She is now groomed short. And is much happier about the snow – or lack of it.
you seriously need more purple……and amber and garnet colored yarns dear
I just realized something. What yarn are you using for Kiri? It doesn’t look brown in the pictures but I may be mistaken.
I ended up switching yarns, Jayme. I didn’t want to mess up that yarn on a project I intended to go so fast on. I’m using that blue Elann baby cashmere I was swatching with a few months ago at Panera.