Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

Posted by on Thursday, May 12th, 2016

I should be gardening. I have been gardening, but I can’t quite manage any good photos because it’s been raining all month. Let me not dwell.

Despite the rain, Maryland Sheep and Wool was as wonderful as ever. We had a relatively painless set-up despite the rain, because Jennifer was able to pull the truck and trailer into the hall so we could unload it in place, away from the rain.


We had a new neighbor this year, and both she and her work are delightful.  She makes bags from vintage textiles, and they are astoundingly cool.  Check it out:Range of Emotion.


All of that rain gave me a bit of extra sewing time, so I made another selvage bag.  It’s a bit larger than the first one I made, and has similar lining and pockets.


I finally started assembling the blocks of my string quilt, and I am wondering what on earth took me so long.  Storing those giant blocks and moving them around to work was annoying, and the quilt is going to be lovely.  I plan to keep it.  That’s a first.


Yarrow was an adorable hindrance during layout.  As usual.




The finished quilt will have five large squares on a side with dark blue sashing to coordinate with the blue center line in each one.  So far the top is entirely made of scraps, though I will probably have to cut some new stuff for the row sashing and binding unless I come up with some other bright idea. I am also contemplating pillow shams.  Like you do.

Gratuitous cat pic, for tradition’s sake:


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