Posted by Lanea on Monday, February 9th, 2009
My husband was laid off last week, so I’ve been a bit distracted. I’m working a bunch of extra hours and trying to make lots of wonderful little bags for my Etsy shop just to earn a bit extra. He’s already had a couple of interviews, so we’re not terribly worried. But still, with the state of the national economy, unemployment is a stressful thing to contemplate.
Filed in blather | 7 responses so far
oh. Shit.
He’ll and you’ll be fine.
Mentally bagging sand and shoring things up around you.
if anyone doesn’t have one of those wonderful bags — you MUST get one – they are great — I have even used mine as a little purse when I just needed something smaller than my really big bag … so not only knitters need them 😉
Possibly a stupid question: where is (what’s the name of) your etsy shop? I don’t see a link, and it doesn’t seem to be in my favorites.
Hugs and sending employed thoughts!
Oh dear. And it was such a cool-sounding job, too…well I know you’ll both be fine. Tell the cats to get off their lazy bottoms and go earn their kibble.
This too shall pass. Being unemployed can be so devastating mentally.
Keeping fingers crossed for you both.
Ack! Pulling my head out of the sand (and catching up on 5 blog posts at once). I’m sorry. That really sucks. And you were just excited about getting a raise, too. Good luck to you both. And sorry, again, that I have barely been around lately.