Beltaine, Bonus Extra Features
Lanea on May 10th 2006
So, I can’t begin to explain all of the fun I had two weekends ago because my brain still hasn’t cooled off from all of the fun I had last weekend. Let’s pretend this is a photo-blog, shall we? See how lovely our Anubh is? And this is post-gymnastics-accident. Anyone who can look that chipper […]
Lanea on May 5th 2006
Edited–Back again with a vengeance. I just finished writing everything I had to write for the Potomac Celtic Festival Program, and that means I’m free to rave about how wonderful Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival was. But I can’t really do that until I tie up at least a few of these loose ends. So, […]
I thought I’d dash out–a quick–Emily Dickinson post–!
Lanea on May 4th 2006
<p>I got a copy of <a href=”″>this</a> the other day. I thought it might be nice to have a good collection of Emily Dickinson’s work, and you know, this was published by Harvard and all. It’s supposedly the authoritative one-volume edition of the extra super-duper authoritative multi-volume edition by the same scholar. Cool, right? </p> […]