Archive for October, 2005

Yarniversal Groove

on Oct 10th 2005

Friends, I think I accidentally started a cult.   Ok , ok, I accidentally-on-purpose started a cult.  I couldn’t help myself.  Suffice it to say that silly titles are popping up all over the place, there are some chants in the works, pilgrimages are being charted, and some menu planning is afoot.   Perhaps we should get […]

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on Oct 6th 2005

As in, in love.  I love the floor.  And Kayo loves the floor.  And neither of us are terribly bothered that it’s not done yet.  It will just be better when it’s done. Kayo says: "Yeah, it’s not dignified.  Screw that.  My Mom was a husky.  Virginia is hot, and I’m wearing a fur coat […]

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on Oct 5th 2005

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on Oct 4th 2005

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