We Deliver
Lanea on May 11th 2005
Olwyn has a spirally felt hat. I wasn’t sure who it was for until I saw her at Sheep and Wool. It fits well. Good thing she has a thick wool felt hat in time for summer. I will find evidence of her inclusion in this shadowy organization soon.
Lanea on May 5th 2005
Scott and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday, or more like our tenth anniversary with a month-plus delay so we could get around to throwing the big party. I could show you a picture of Scott and me at the wedding, but I think this is actually better brag-fodder: I married a guy who is […]
This is a test
Lanea on May 3rd 2005
Change is bad: we fear change. But, say it with me now, Blogger is a pain. I got what I paid for, and I paid bupkus. And then I got a raise. And now I will pay for an actual service. Maybe. See, spring is all about change and I am fickle. Mi na Bealtaine, […]