Lanea on Sep 22nd 2012
When Tethera was in full swing, our performances at Celtic festivals tended to include question and answer sessions, because, well, we have an small, interesting and interested group of fans. A question we got several times was: “What sort of creation myth did the Celts have.” And the three of us would explain that while […]
Spenser’s Ireland
Lanea on Jul 23rd 2007
I’ve been remiss, obviously, about this poetry thing we do. Blame in on my job–I always do. Here’s something from Marianne Moore. As is probably obvious, Ireland is terribly important to me, and like all things that are terribly important to me, my relationship with the country and its culture and my tiny spot in […]
Lanea on May 2nd 2007
by Sandra McPherson The man vending needles at our door Was lucky to greet you. He looked poor but you acted needle-poor Where I’d have said, I don’t need … He sells needles to prick your heart And they’ll take small bites Out of my finger in a layer of skin Where my feelings are […]
National poetry month, and wool poems
Lanea on Apr 11th 2007
Wow, we excel at slack these days. April is national poetry month. I’ve been spending so much time hiding from my writing that I haven’t been much of a poetry reader lately. But let’s forget about that for a moment and think about words. Lots of people quote the opening of The Wasteland right about […]
It’s the end of the world (so let’s read poetry)
Lanea on Feb 20th 2007
Originally added by Rachel So I’m a bookseller for a living. Generally I love it–it’s one of those jobs you fall into to pay the rent as a starving English major and for some people, like me, it becomes an obsession. Er, career, I think they call it. But sometimes bookselling makes you feel […]
A Blogger’s (silent) Poetry Reading
Lanea on Feb 2nd 2007
Here I go, using any excuse to evangelize about a poet I like. Medbh McGuckian is fantastic, and she has a great sense of compression. I posted a lovely poem of hers over on the quasi-knitting side of my interweb presence. Both are about love, of course, but in very different ways. Blood-Words Medbh McGuckian […]
Silent Poetry Reading
Lanea on Feb 2nd 2007
It would be pretty lame if a poetry blog couldn’t get its act together to participate in the Blogger’s Silent Poetry Reading, huh? I’m going to cheat, because I’m like that. At first I was going to post my favorite Lauterbach, but I already have an excuse to do that, so then my brain started […]
Why you should love Ann Lauterbach (whether you like her poetry or not)
Lanea on Jan 10th 2007
The best-ever rebuttal of the "Blooming" of American literary criticism. More to follow.
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Lanea on Jan 4th 2007
Originally posted by Rachel Well, I can’t make Lanea find all of the wool poems all by herself, can I? A sentimental old favorite, this one, by Christopher Marlowe. Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields Woods or steepy mountain […]
The Fleece
Lanea on Dec 28th 2006
John Dyer’s The Fleece is one of those works that few people read but everyone should. Well, everyone should read it but it’s really hard to get copies. Dyer was Welsh, and his family, being Welsh, knew a lot about sheep. The Fleece is an epic–four volumes of blank verse–about sheep, published in 1757. It’s […]